Friday, February 24, 2012

I live with my boyfriend and he is driving me crazy doing this..

I live with my partner. he has allot of pain because of arthritis. He swears allot and hundreds of times per day i hear him saying, "oh for fu## sake over and over when his bones hurt. I hate swearing. I tell him i hate it but when he knocks himself, its that or shouting Jesus. It may sound trivial, but I loathe it and its making me nervous. any advice?I live with my boyfriend and he is driving me crazy doing this..
Well since he is in pain when this happens I would say don't be to mean, but maybe ask him if he could switch the word out for another, make up something silly, like oh for Rose's sake (whatever your real name is) tell him you can deal with it sometimes and you understand he is hurting but if he could just use something different sometimes it would make you feel better.
Make a swear jar! hehe whenever he swears he has to put 50p + in the jar...mmm.. i can't think of anything else that might be affective..I live with my boyfriend and he is driving me crazy doing this..
cant change him. leave him now before its too late.
Yea, I have to say, if you've talked to him about it and conveyed how much it truly bothers you, then give him the boot.
no no no dont "give him the boot" lol dont do that... but maybe when u told him he didnt lke it he just didnt take it serious enough, u need to make it clear to him how serious... tell him that if he loves you(which he should if he lives with you) but tell him if he loves you he would realize how much this bothers you. you need to make it clear to him exactly how much it bothers you, sometimes guys just kind shrug things off but make it clear to him how much yuou hate it, tell him that its to the point where if he doesnt listen you cant stay with him anymore! just say i love you but you have to understand my needs sometimes ok?
Tell him that if he respect you he will work on his cussing. Don't try to force change but persuade

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