Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My bones keep cracking... no, not normal.?

Okay first... I went to my doctor for this, and he just made no comment about it.

Okay my bones cracking around 7000 times a day.

I am not even kidding you... every little move I do a bone cracks, and yes it is painful at times.

Bones that constantly crack: neck, back, hips, wrists, shoulders, arms, hips, feet, legs, knees, jaw, elbows...

Just every little thing. My knees get painful, just walking they keep cracking. Like right now I am typing right? I put my hands down... both of my hands crack... from shoulder... down to elbow.

It is driving me crazy.

I get muscle spasms...

Sometimes (not very often) I twitch.

I mean... I am just poping everywhere lol.

Any reason to why that might be?

I do stretch sometimes, and when I do my knees hurt even more, and they are very weak.

This started like three weeks ago. Just every little move.. putting my hands down, getting up from bed/chair... my whole body cracks!

The most areas that get painful are elbows, and knees.... sometimes I feel like the veins are painful.

If you have an idea, I'd appreciate it.


* I am 18 years old female, 127 pounds, and 5,6 tall.My bones keep cracking... no, not normal.?
wow.. that's very strange.

i'm not sure about the rest of it, but my knees crack occasionally and then they hurt when i run. omega 3 fish body oil helps this. it comes in pills to swallow so it's not gross or anything. it helps my dad too who has arthritis in his knees.

and maybe seeing a chiropractor about the rest of it would help.
I have been going through the exact same thing. My doctors have currently found that I have a low white blood cell count. Also I have degenerative disc disease in my spine. I would check your blood cells, they will give you some insight on your bones and body in general.

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My bones keep cracking... no, not normal.?
Hey sweet girl,

I'm going through the same thing...Did you ever figure out what was wrong?

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