Friday, February 24, 2012

Is it men or women that put such a crazy emphasis on women's weight???

I just don't understand why stick thin is being considered the only beautiful way to be these days. I am really thin, but before I had my twins I was what I considered to thin. I tried for years to gain weight it just didn't happen, but my whole life all I had wanted was tohave a few more curves and I just can't understand why anyone would work so hard to get down to what is essentially skin and bones. So opinions from men and women, what do you think the "ideal" size is for a woman and why.Is it men or women that put such a crazy emphasis on women's weight???
I often thought of this question myself. I am a slim person with ample curves and often I scrutinize myself to not have my curves and to be "stick thin". I think mostly it is women who put this image out. Media, of course is a huge contributor. If the ideal was to be a healthy size, how could money be made on diet pills and "low-cal" diets and foods.

I think of it this way- right now, virtually having absolutely no body fat is attractive, but why? Newton's third law states that every action has an equal and opposing reaction. I think because obesity rates are higher than ever, the balance between what is considered healthy and attractive has been changed. Now that there are more people who are severely obese, the other extremity has also increased- having no fat. Because we're all so afraid to get fat we think having any fat is bad. It's kind of unfortunate the way we think of ourselves when most of us are just perfect anyway. =)

guys just go along cause its expected

but most guys like

some curves

n something ta grabIs it men or women that put such a crazy emphasis on women's weight???
MOSTLY women, A lot of men I know aren't attracted to very thin women. Having curves makes you more women-like, that is what they are attracted. I'm comfortable with myself... I'm healthy, lol.
I think both,but women more. I think that allot of times when women think they are to fat,it really isn't that they are to fat,it's most likely that they just need to get toned so that everything will go back where it belongs. I look at myself and think,"EWWWW your fat",but really it's just that everything is to hangy and squishy.
both, but women mostly. for sure.
any size is great! those ppl who think women should be stick thin are pure stupid! we are all made in different sizes and should love the way we look :) stupid ppl out there who think thin is beautiful . %26gt;=(
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