Friday, February 24, 2012

My bird just laid a infertile egg, when should i take it away?

It's her first egg, she just laid it between last night and this morning. She's about 1 1/2. She's been going through her cuttle bones like crazy.

I have it in their with some tissue underneath. I found it on the bottom of the cage. She's not acknowledging it. Should I take it away or should i just leave it in their?

thanks :)My bird just laid a infertile egg, when should i take it away?
Leave it in the cage. Female birds often lay infertile eggs. They will eat plenty of cuttlebone because egg laying takes up calcium from a bird's body. If you take the egg away too soon, your bird will start laying more eggs. This could lead to chronic egg laying, which you don't want. When a female bird keeps laying eggs, it depletes her body of calcium and puts her under a great deal of stress. This can cause egg binding, where the egg gets stuck and won't come out. This is a medical emergency and your bird would need treatment from an avian vet. Also, she could get a cloanal prolapse, which is also an emergency and veterinary care would be needed. Make sure your bird is getting plenty of calcium to prevent these problems.
Whenever you're ready to eat it for breakfast.My bird just laid a infertile egg, when should i take it away?
first off the egg needs to be turned daily try making her a nest if she dont lay another egg soon you may need to get a small incubator if she dont sit on egg
read this.鈥?/a>

it should answer your question. not that much to read dont worry. its for cockatiels but i think i'd apply to many birds.
Like other poster said, yes- just leave egg in cage. Because if you remove it, she will likely just keep laying more to replace removed ones. If she left egg w/out acknowledging it, chances are it IS infertile. My female 'Tiel' lays eggs constantly like a chicken, yet hasn't EVER had anything "to do" with my male 'Tiel' as far as breeding.

Only thing is that yours could any day decide to start sitting on that egg for days on end and NEVER leave it, like my own female 'Tiel' does...(even though its an infertile egg as well.) Mine sits there as if wondering why its not hatching...go figure!!
Is there any chance the egg is fertile? If not then you do need to take it away eventually but do not take it too soon. If you do it will cause her to lay more to try and replace it.

One article I have read said if possible you can replace the egg with a wooden egg and they will not know the difference but will prevent the issue of an egg rotting in the cage. I want to stress I HAVE NOT TRIED THIS! but have talked to a few people who say it worked for them.

There are lots of sites online you can check. When my cockatiel laid an egg it was about a month before I could remove it.

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