Friday, February 17, 2012

Craving milk like crazy 26 weeks pregnant?

I drink so much milk everyday. I cant get enuph of it lol. Is this bc my baby needs a lot of calcium?Hopefully she will have strong bones. I go thru a small milk jug a day by myselfCraving milk like crazy 26 weeks pregnant?
Milk does a Body Good! So of all the cravings, that's a great one to have, it's not only good for your baby, it's good for you too! I drank alot of milk as well when pregnant, not sure it was a craving, but maybe it was. Milk is one of the foods that elevates serotonin which has just been found to prevent SIDS. So keep up the good Milk drinking!

Best Wishes %26amp; Congratulations!
I went through that same thing. I was craving milk and dairy products. I was eating chocolate cookies and mac and cheese. LOL. The Doctor asked what changed in my diet cuz I gained 8 lbs. in 2 weeks. I told her. She said that craving milk was a sign that you are anemic. So she put me on some iorn tablets, and it went away. What a wierd thing though. I remember drinking a half gallon at dinner. Good Luck!!!Craving milk like crazy 26 weeks pregnant?
Yes, it is true that most of the times our cravings mean that its something that our body (or baby's body) needs. Most likely its your body saying thats what baby needs! I can't say that I crave milk.. but I think its mainly because of the smell of everything right now make my stomach turn! Good luck and keep up the milk!
yes it is because your baby needs lots of calcium your supposed to drink at least 24 oz a day of milk. I craved it as well even though i'm lactose intolerant but my doctor said thats because since my baby really needs it i'm craving it tons
its a sign that you need more calcium in your body.. i am the same way.. i can go thru a gallon of milk in 2-3 days by my self.
well i've always heard that whatever you crave the baby needs something from it
lol me too, ive been told cravings are your bodies way of telling you what your baby needs, so drink up

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