Friday, February 17, 2012

How do i sprain my ankle 10 points btw dont say you crazy kid read desription first?

my ankle bone is really out of place so i might need surgery but the doctor said if i sprain it to teh left side it will go into place. now what the least painfull way. i swear im not saying this to be a dumb kid who wants to sprain it for the lulz i need to to avoid surgeryHow do i sprain my ankle 10 points btw dont say you crazy kid read desription first?
WOW!!!! uhh run around in circles in a clock-wise direction and lean toward the center so that ur feet are facing the outside and keep running as fast as u can and while ur running move ur ankle and like.. twist it so that it sprains!

sry that probably dont work.. so dont try it unless u ARE a crazy kid! LOL ummm shouldnt the doctor tell u how to do it?

u could try wat i suggested but i highly doubt it would work.. it might just make it worse.

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