Friday, February 17, 2012

What are some things that you do that others would consider weird or crazy?

If I see a spider or ant crawling I will not kill it. I am scared of all bugs. Also, I will get upset if my husband uses my shoe to kill the insect. Gross.

I won't pick up a dead insect with a piece of tissue or paper. I don't want to feel the texture of it.

I hate the brown stuff that settles on a chicken bone (after it's done). I will not eat anywhere near the bone of a piece of chicken. I just kind of pick the meat off.

I hate certain foods to run together. For instance, if I'm eating pancakes and eggs then everything has to be separate. I don't want the syrup to run into the eggs.

I will sleep with several lights on if my husband isn't home. Sometimes I will get up and check under the bed, the closets, etc. before I go to bed to make sure there's noone in the house.

The thought of drinking milk makes me gag (yuck!).

When sweeping the floor, I hate to see all the gross debris collected on the dust pan and it grosses me out to dump it in the garbage.What are some things that you do that others would consider weird or crazy?
Because of a serious misunderstanding in 1986, I began to keep my belongings in cardboard boxes in case I had to move out quickly.

Even though I have since that time, purchased and lived in two houses, I still have cardboard boxes ready to go.

A couple years ago, I made the determined effort to absolutely rid the house of all boxes. I'm down to five or six now, and they won't be here after next week. After reading your question, I got a jump start to do it finally.
i always eat desert firstWhat are some things that you do that others would consider weird or crazy?
when i have a lil poopy hangin from my butt...instad of using toilet paper i just slap my butt cheek until it falls out...
I do that thing with bugs and paper towels. I don't even want to feel the bug or I will freak out.
I blurt out morbid/disturbing If I'm sleeping alone, I have to have lights and a TV on.
Lmao. I turn on the television and walk out of the room.

I make sure my cat isn't in the shower before I use the washroom.

I turn on music, and then get mad because it doesn't play. Thats because I forget to turn the speakers on.
same here girl, i dont drink milk cause it makes me gag.

i can not sleep with my bed room door open

i will not eat the broken animal crackers in my lunch

and i cant think of any other good ones
stock pile water,food,guns and ammo I have a feeling I will need it all someday.
My roommate and I like to make heinie gas noises. We also like to have competitions with the real thing.

I also do not like my food to run together. Everyone tells me that it all ends up in my stomach, but I still don't like my food mixed.

I hate it when my roomate uses my towel or my bath sponge. I am very possessive about my bath products.

When I sleep, i like to sleep as close to the wall as possible, and barricade myself in with pillows.

I can't stand processed cheese.
Wonderful questions!

*I cant see shoes messy.Anywhere I go the shoes must be lined up neat and in two straight as possible lines.If not I stop and fix all the shoes before taking one step further.This 'obsession' has never offended anyone I have visited.I think word got around and people started hiding their shoe stands whenever I had to come over,lol.

*I cannot read the newspaper if someone else is reading it with me and I must read it from the last page to the first.

*I check my doors and windows three times before going to bed.

* I cant stop shaking my leg.I do it unconsciously because I am only made aware of it when someone ask me why I am doing it.

*I like drinking milk but I cant look at anyone drinking it.It grosses me out,lol.

*I can't sleep on my bed until it is smooth[no wrinkles or pulls in the sheet.I also cant leave the house w/o making my bed.Sometimes I would be late and I have to stop and make the
i eat tomatoes w/ mayonnaise. i like chicken in general but not drumsticks. i have to have the radio on when i sleep or else i can't. i also fall alseep faster if i'm looking at a light. i can't have scrambled eggs on the weekends b/c that's what i eat on the weekdays and i hate for them to mix. i spit gum out after a few minutes b/c thats when most of the flavor usu. leaves.
This is a little bit wierd. I was born as a left -hander. My mum constantly put my crayon or pencil in the right-hand until the habit of writing with the left was broken. I had no recollection of this. But at the age of 11 I had a bad cut that put my right hand into a sling for a few weeks making me unable to write. I had a big Common Entrance Exam to write at that age and needed to be able to do my school work. So desperation i thought .. let me try the left.

It was awkward at first but soon or later i started writing with the left hand. It was then that I noticed that i did a few things without realizing it with my left hand too.. Fine motor skills like picking rice and playing a game called Moral..I'd bounce the ball with my left hand..I'd also hold a cricket bat with my left hand.

But this is the wierd part.

I can write with both hands at the same time in

Opposite directions ( mirrored perfectly)

In the Same direction at the same time.

The left hand writing looks like the right when i flip the paper and vice versa.

I can read fluently in reverse.

Its wacky to some but its a good ice breaker for the kids at school where I work hehe.

Just a few others lol

I also can't stand biting into bananas. I have to break it with my lips.

I can't stop playing with my earlobes.

I absolutely can't stand when a piece of my finger nail gets caught in fabric... Aaaaaaaarrgh!!

Chalk being dragged over chalkboard.

( raises my goose bumps right away"

Eating while watching a dog or cat. Just can't do it sorry.

Can't fall asleep if there is dust or grainy stuff on my sheets.

Interesting Q hehe


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