Friday, February 17, 2012

Did you ever have a crazy Vietnam vet stalk you online ?

A few years it happened to me.

On message boards , he used my user name and typed bad things. It got me suspended.

Then , I started to get strange phone calls where no one would answer if I said hello.

Then, I kept finding nails in my car tires everyday. Then , that stopped after like 2 months.

Then , one day I found a big bloody bone at my front door. It was covered with ants. It looked like a rib.

Then , all of this stuff stopped. But sometimes , I get strange phone calls.Did you ever have a crazy Vietnam vet stalk you online ?
So many losers claim that they are Vietnam vets. Makes a bad name for those like my cousin who came home and has lived an honorable life.Did you ever have a crazy Vietnam vet stalk you online ?
call the police

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