Friday, February 17, 2012

My dog is just crazy. how do i calm him down?

he is a 5 mounth old catahoula leapard dog. this dog chews on more thing than you can imagine. I've bought him chew toys and bones, he gets plenty of exersise and attention but he wont stop. is there any secrets i don't know about or mabye some advice?My dog is just crazy. how do i calm him down?
1. Crate him whenever you aren't home.

2. Get him neutered. They calm down afterwards.

I'm not familiar with this type of dog. Are they a working dog? Or a hunting job? They don't like to be bored. They want to accompany you wherever you go.

Obedience lessons should start now.

There's a toy called the Kong--are you familiar with it? It's guaranteed unchewupable. You put peanut butter in the center and then freeze it. Your dog will go crazy trying to get that peanut butter out, and every time he gets a little out, it's all over his nose, and he has to lick that off, get the picture.

If there are things he likes to chew on that you don't want chewed on, get bitter apple spray from the pet store. One taste of that, and he's not going to bite it again.

TX Mom
Cat nip...My dog is just crazy. how do i calm him down?
smack him
stroke him nicely
take hime for a walk and give him sticks to chew on
Start kenneling him. Not for a long time but when he's 'bored'. Put something in his cage that will entertain him and he'll learn to do that when outside of the cage too. I thought kennelling a dog was cruel but have since learned differently. It does work. Good luck.
Get him fixed.
Crate train him. When you are not home or not around put that dog in a crate. He will chill out in no time.
you need to cut of his nuts,,or blow some Herb in his face
OK. you go get him fixed trust me it calms them down alot.
If he is still going crazy dude your not excircising him enough. THink about it dogs are wild animals that we domesticated, they are ment to be pretty much running around outside 24/7 Long lOng walks possible walks on a treadmill. Positive re-enforcement when he doesnt chew on things. Make sure you dont hit it%26gt; And Always reward good behaivior with treats. also getting him neutered will help, and you can get a temperment shot at the vet also that is said to calm a dog down also
All dogs chew some worse than others I had a great dane that ate a couch, a car interior and a whole bunch of other stuff. There is a product available at health food stores called rescue remedy about $15, you only need a few drops on there tongue or in their water, it works like anti anxiety drugs work on humans. I used to use it when it would storm, because the dog would go psycho. Try it, it worked for me.
When you say he "gets plenty of exercise," do you mean you RUN him, or does he just prance around in the backyard. If it's the latter, then you really need to start taking him on actual runs daily (or at least 4 times a week). It's the constant physical activity of a run that will wear him out and take away some of that excess energy.

The runs should help with the chewing, but you may still need a backup plan. Go to PetSmart and purchase some Bitter Apple Spray. It's non-toxic, but tastes like crap. Spray it on anything he tends to chew (it won't stain), and watch as he makes some funny faces after tasting the stuff. :)

Hope this helps.
What's "plenty" of exercise? This is an active breed that still has a pretty strong work drive. At his age, he needs at least an hour and a half of aerobic exercise (running, swimming, playing with other dogs, agility, playing fetch, etc.) daily.

Train him, too. Even with lots of exercise, dogs that are bored by the same old activities look for ways to entertain themselves. Teach him new stuff - obedience commands, tricks, whatever - so he doesn't resort to chewing on your stuff for fun.
crate training. associate toys with fun and being happy and chewing anything else with crate time. he or she will eventually learn that thats what you get when you missbehave. and also remember to scold him with words like 'no' and 'bad' but never hit the dog because that will make him afraid of you.
just keep telling him no. he is young, and will eventually learn and understand you. mine is the best behaved dog. he knows pretty much what I mean. I just have to keep an strong tone. good luck.
Sometimes it's the energy we put into our dog. On days that you come home and get excited to see your dog, you play with him for 3 minutes then sit and watch t.v. All that energy is built up and he has nothing to do, so he goes crazy. Don't be so excited when you see him. If you have a calm presences about you he will too. Try to ignore him when you come home or around and only approach him when he is calm. Also get him fixed that really does help. With his toys he only needs one. The more things he has the more things he feels he owns (territory) the more dominate he feels over you and other. Watch Ceasar Millian on Dog Whisper on Discovery it's a GREAT show for training your dog. Google him if you like, and buy his book.
First get him fixed and then Every time he goes to chew something out him in the crate but dont hit him.
put a little tooth meds on his gums. he is teething. also punish him every time he does something that is not to be done.

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