Like Pound Puppies, Pokemon Cards, Crazy Bones?What were popular toys in the 90s?
oooh man.. I was hooked on Pogs for about a year. It came and went just as fast. Good times.
Other popular toys?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (action figures)
Tickle Me Elmo (That was in the 90's right?)
Magic the Gathering I think
Sega.. Sega Dreamcast
Gameboy/Gameboy Advance
Probably so much more but those jumped into my head first.
Cool question.
Beenie Babies
Polly Pocket and Mighty Max
anything Pokemon related
Legos (but they've been popular for 30 years)
Power Rangers toys
(basically any merchandise related to popular TV shows)What were popular toys in the 90s?
And Tamagotchis, Cabbage Patch Kids, Barbies, Beanie Babies, Care Bears, Hot Wheels, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Lincoln Logs, Mr. Potato Head, My Little Pony, Polly Pockets, Sit N Spin
Pogs! Don't forget Pogs!
Cabbage Patch Dolls, My Child Dolls, Alf Dolls..
oh the good old days.. lol
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