Saturday, March 3, 2012

5 month old puppy got into turkey bones?

So, my 2 dogs got into turkey bones and I am pretty sure that they didn't eat any, I think they went for thr meat that was left on it. My mom thinks the turkey was bad. Anyway, so this was around after supper time last night and this morning I checked to make sure they both did # 2 and they did! It wasn't mushy or whatever, it was normal. Then we went to the dog park for a bit the today (the day everything was fine) and they were running around like CRAZY! One dog (Nina) pooped like 4 times and it was light brown but not mushy or like the runs at all. But, Dakota when she went to it was the runs. She did a lot of running and we didn't have any water (I forgot it) so mom might think it was that. She had the runs anyway and then she went to another spot and only a drop of runs came out. It seemed like she had more to do, but went off trotting along. She drank 2 bowls of water and seems to be fine now.

I am still worried and I am looking into seeing a vet. Any ideas? SHould I be worried since she did poop something or should I be going crazy?5 month old puppy got into turkey bones?
First of all, do you have dog insurance? If not the vet might be spendy.

If that isn't a problem then I would assume that they are fine. If it gets weird, out of the normal I would take them to the vet.

I hope your dogs are okay!5 month old puppy got into turkey bones?
Your dog should be fine. You might want to watch her just to make sure, but she should be better tomorrow. If not, call a vet and see what they have to say, but normally they'll want you to bring her in instead of telling you on the phone.

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