Friday, March 9, 2012

Who would win in a steel cage deathmatch - Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter?

Palin looks like she has more meat on her bones, but Coulter strikes me as being batshit crazy in a fight, screeching and clawing. And no, no gun for Palin - this is hand to hand combat.Who would win in a steel cage deathmatch - Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter?
Coulter, I think will have a reach advantage, but her longer hair could be a liability. Unless she does something about that, Palin can just grab that hair, force her head down, and knee her face into submission. Barring that scenario, I think Culture would win. She looks like shes got the conditioning to go into the later rounds.
Who the hell cares. Why are you wasting space with such drivel?Who would win in a steel cage deathmatch - Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter?
Not sure they both are tough girls; one thing I am sure of they would be no match for Chewing Nancy Pelosi. Arent the libs ashamed of her yet?
I think they would get along quite well. I would like to see them together in a match against Obama. That would be much more entertaining to see him squirm.
I would win
That would be hot , but they need to be rolling in oil . That would be Sweeeeet !
I dont know but I'd bring the Jello and beer!
They would both kick your wimpy liberal ***. Now go back to sucking d i c k.
Most people would not really care just so long as one of them winds up dead.

But it is kind of a dumb question.

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