Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How can I get rid of the fat on my hip bones?

I'm not fat or chubby really but I just have this ideal stomach in my head and my goal is to get that ideal stomach by the summer. It's driving me crazy though because I feel like no matter how many times I go to the gym, my stomach won't curve the way I want it to. I'm not sure if it's because one of my legs is slightly longer than the other and one of my hip bones is a little higher up than the other, but it bugs me. If anyone knows any exercises that could possibly make a stomach curve or just get rid of my hip bone fat, please post them. Thank youuu so much.How can I get rid of the fat on my hip bones?
Ahhh... big hips, God love em cause they drive me crazy. If its actually the waist... then you're hips aren't the problem... in fact they're the solution. Big hips will create a curve even on a big waiste... so maybe you have little hips and are wanting to create the curved look instead of the square look? Anyway, exercising the area will actually build muscle and while you'll get a great toned look from it, you won't rid of the fat that covers up the muscle. Only diet and aerobic exercise will fix that.

If it actually is the hips that are too curvy then invest in a stability ball. Up right on your knees lean on the ball with one hip. Stretch the opposite leg out, and lift and lower that leg keeping the knee forward, start our with few reps switching sides frequently and work your way up.
crunches and sit ups and eat healthyHow can I get rid of the fat on my hip bones?
Sometimes, you are simply built the way you're built. If you've been trying hard and nothing is happening, your options are to:

a) kill yourself trying to achieve perfection

b) accept your stomach and hips the way they are

You should ask yourself why it bothers you so much?
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