Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Will my broken leg heal faster if I minimize my activities?

I have mostly stayed in bed or on the sofa since I broke my leg, but I will go crazy soon (from boredom). But would the bone heal slower if I move around? I am not planning to go skydiving or run a marathon, since I am on crutches and have a stupid full cast on , but how about heading to the park, mall, movie, etc ... at least somewhere outside of my apartment.Will my broken leg heal faster if I minimize my activities?
I know where you are coming from. I broke my femur when I was 9. It can get awfully boring. I was in traction for 4 weeks and a body cast for 6 months. Talk about a bummer. You have to remember that rest is the best medicine. A broken bone is a serious injury especially in your leg. You should be O.K. to go to the mall or movie or whatever you want as long as your are careful. I have had more than a few broken bones so I kind of speak from experience when I tell you that your body will let you know what you can and can't do;) You sound like a person that isn't happy just sitting around and that's awesome....Just take some time to heal up. Then you will be back at it again.
inactivity is bad and leads to muscle atrophy which makes joints more prone to injury. also, bones exposed to stress (e.g. weightlifting) increase in density and those that aren't stressed start to weaken. sitting around can also lead to blood clots in your legs/lungs (e.g. "economy class syndrome"). and if your leg is in a cast and you walk on crutches, the bone is probably not going to be affected by anything anyway.Will my broken leg heal faster if I minimize my activities?
only leave your place once every other day....

its not really gonna slow down the healing to much if it all....

but! if you do something everyday its gonna put ALOT of strain on ur leg and slow down ur healing process.

i hope you get better soon =)

p.s i know that feeling of boredom.

i broke both my legs in a dirtbike accident. it sucked!!!

just give it time. trust me.
Actually, it was discovered in the 50s that ambulation (walking around) speeds recovery from injuries.

Doctors at MASH (Mobile Army Surgicul Hospitals) noticed their patients recovered faster than patients evacuated to permanent facilities. The MASH units by necessity got their patients moving as fast as possible. Later studies support this. I'm surprised your doctor didn't recommend getting some excercise.

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