Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What kind of fish do i have? theyre acting crazy!?

i started out with 7 fish.. three of one kind, three of another, and an algae eater... now almost two years later im down to just three of one kind.. i swear theyre bullies and killing off the others!

im going to try to describe them best i can... about an inch long max, slightly pink and gold in color, fairly long flowing fins, on theyre back sides and tail.. and almost polka dot like stripes.. um the stripes on their sides are made of tons of little dot looking things... oh man i hope i described them well!

usually theyre crazy eaters!! but yesterday was the day the last of the other fish died (one was eated COMPLETELY no bones or anything ) and this last one was stuck to the filter.. but now this morning the three wont eat.. theyre ALL over eachother! they wont leave one another alone, im wondering if theyre really aggressive or if theyre trying to breed? the tank needs cleaning so i hope theyre not breeding i dont want to interfere....

any ideas all you fish people out there?

leave a pic if you can of what kind of fish you think i have.. ill try to let you know if you got it! thanks so much everyone!What kind of fish do i have? theyre acting crazy!?
Sound like long-fin Leopard Danios to me:


These are very active shoaling fish, they do need to be in a group of at least 6-8, not a trio. In a trio they will be fin nippers and bullies, but not killers. They also need a large tank, at least 20 gallons, to allow for swimming room. If you have a small tank this will be overstocked and inadequate leading to high stress, meaning other fish will die.

Keeping any shoaling fish in only a trio will be very stressful.

Research your fish, including the "algae eater" which could be anything and could potentially get enormous, and make sure you really can house these fish.

edit: To be honest I would suggest seeing if you can return them to the store. A 10 gallon can't house a proper shoal of these, it's just too small. They should get closer to 2" long. And I don't personally think ANY fish labelled as "algae eater" is suitable for a 10 gallon!

Leopard Danios are a morph of the more common Zebra Danio - very very active loosely shoaling fish that do have a hierarchy in the group - hence the nipping and chasing you are seeing.

Either upgrade the tank or downgrade the fish! These fih listed here ARE suitable for a 10 gallon:

I don't know about the behaviour, but are they glowlight tetras? The picture is above the ad near the bottom, you have to move your cursor over the writing that says glowlight tetras.

allabout.co.jp/.../glowlight_tetra.jpgWhat kind of fish do i have? theyre acting crazy!?
check the ammonia,nitrite,and ph level first. If they are too high do a partial water change. Also try feeding them more so they dont kill eachother.
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