Saturday, March 3, 2012

My dog ate several chicken wing bones. She is acting normal. Should I worry?

First, I know it's NOT normal to give your dog chicken bones. She got into the trash which is out of character for her.

This happened Monday evening (4th of July) and she got about 20 chicken wing bones and gobbled them up. I found the tin foil and box they came in all licked clean and a guily little beagle (about 25 pounds). She is acting completely normal, yet I'm worried because of her size and the quantity. She has been hesitant to eat the past few days, but will eat human food if offered so I'm thinking she does have an appetite. She does refuse food sometimes just because she is a bit picky, but never for 2-3 days. She is still drinking. She is still having bowel movements, though my roomie says she noticed a few drops of blood once, though just a few drops and nothing significant. Her bowel movements were solid. She is still barking and howling like normal and still gets crazy excited when we come home. If I didn't know she did it I doubt I'd think something was wrong.

Should I worry? I called the vet who recommended to keep an eye on her for another day or so, but do you think I'd see anything that would be of concern by now? Any experienced owners out there please share your info. Thanks.My dog ate several chicken wing bones. She is acting normal. Should I worry?
We call that "watch and wait" where I work (vet hospital.)

If you'd feel better, then take your dog in for exam and xrays. They can see bones (of course : ) on the xrays --- and can also follow what they call a "gas pattern" that can tell them if your dog is okay. They can feel his belly to see where pain may be (you probably can't do this yourself successfully.)

Sometimes we take an xray and have the dog come back in later for another so the dvm can watch the progression.

When dogs get blocked or something really bad is happening in the gut, they get very sick. They won't eat, become lethargic, etc. They won't drink, either. It can take a few days.

Since your dog's eating has slowed down some, he may not be feeling just great. The blood can be from colitis, which could be related to the whole thing.

If it's been a couple of days, you are right in the middle of the wait and watch time.

If he were mine, of course I'd take him in; after all, I work there and can do the xrays myself. But if you have a vet you trust, then waiting like he/she said would be fine.

Beagles just love getting in the trash, don't they?
Our dogs eat chicken bones almost on a weekly basis for the past 5 years and we've never had problems because they chew the bones very well. However, I had a dog that when he ate chicken bones, they'd always get stuck in his throat but he's have a dry gagging cough until it was removed. Sounds like yours will be fine :)My dog ate several chicken wing bones. She is acting normal. Should I worry?
my dog is a little itty bitty chihuahua who ate a chicken bone one time. I was so freaked!

now nothing happened really she digested it fine. But i would do what the vet said- to keep an eye on her. If she has a hard time digesting it or acts strange call the vet again ask what to do.

Good luck!
Your dog must have a taste for human food now, well i think you should really freak out if she gets into fish bones! my dogs eat chicken bones all the time she's okay. oh and the bones might have cut her anal tracks or something. she's prolly not eating because maybe she's full idk. I hope is okay
she may be fine now but when those bones hit her intestines it could rip them apart and she would be dead in minutes. talk to your vet and discuss if its a real problem
my dog did that a couple months ago but you really shouldnt worry unless she starts getting sick
She's okay. Dogs have a kind of strait digestive system and some powerful gastric juices to disolve things. I had a doberman pup years ago , and I was eating a big chicken drumstick and I finished and was letting her knaw the end of it ... when suddenly she clamped down on it, snatched it out of my hands and in one gulp swallowed the entire chicken leg, then looked up at me with that happy 'can i have another one now please' expression.

She was okay. She digested it without a problem. In fact some con men who try to sale bogus rare artifacts such as homemade flint spearpoints ... have been know to knap the artifacts themselves, heat them...and then later feed the points wrapped in meat to a that the dog will digest the flint/quartz and thus artificially age the points via the dog's strong digestive acids...

The biggest worry is a twisted bowel or tiny bones that splinter, but it's been 2-3 days and your dog is not exhibiting any pain or blockage, so she should be fine...
it would have been better for her if she had eaten some dry food to bulk up her stomach so that she passes the bones more easily because they might scrape her back passage a wee bit and that would cause a tiny drop blood to be passed. i think she will be ok but just watch for her head drooping down and her back arched up that means she is having stomch problems. it may cause gas in her stomach so make sure her stomach is not swollen,if it does swell up do not let her drink water and get her to the vet asap.

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