Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Weird distrubing thoughts in my head. Am I crazy?

I'm feeling very frightened about posting this because I'm afraid I will learn that I am completely crazy, but I have weird thoughts about my body being made in a different way. I get pictures in my mind of my head being made up of lots of tiny bones with no skin covering the scalp, just little bones and it makes me feel sick.

I'm in my thirties and the first time I got thoughts and pictures in my head like this I was 17. I have never ever told them to anyone, but the pictures in my mind are horrible. I don't have these thoughts all the time. Since I was seventeen, it's maybe got into my head for a few days or so every couple of years. It tends to be during stressful times or after periods of depression, but I can't imagine anyone else in the world ever getting such thoughts. Sometimes I press my scalp with my fingers to make sure it's normal. I do suffer from depression and anxiety and I take Lexapro and have a great therapist, but I'm even afraid to tell her about this thought/vision in case she has me committed. Last night I couldn't sleep because of it and I feel very afraid and lonely.Weird distrubing thoughts in my head. Am I crazy?
Intrusive thoughts are extremely frightening and I totally understand where you're coming from; they have a way of being sick and bitterly dark, They are not your thoughts and you don't have to own them or be ashamed. When I was taking Lexapro my intrusive thoughts skyrocketed so maybe I would examine that further. please think about changing your anti-depressant, especially because you have a history of these thoughts. I would have killed myself if I hadn't stopped taking it because I would get the image my couch was made out of flesh and that It was waiting for me to die. Tell someone and ask for help because you have the right to a healthy life and you are not insane.
Sounds like intense anxious thinking.

Learn to meditate and practice that regularly. Your mind is like a muscle and needs to be strengthened. When you can control your thoughts you can let go of ones like that.Weird distrubing thoughts in my head. Am I crazy?
It's probably harmless mental shenanigans. Nothing to worry about. Just like how i sometimes imagine myself as a serial killer... Yeah... Good Times...
dude that sucks mabee yourmedications are making you feel the way you do
I think everyone has crazy thoughts, you just have to make your mind up not to act on them. I think what your talking about there may be a case of obsessive compulsive disorder. It probably makes you feel a whole lot better to touch your head to ensure everything is normal, but you don't always do it I suspect, because to you it "physicalizes" your "crazy" thoughts. I would recommend finding your own way to beat it out, but heres some thoughts: Learn the entire anatomy of the skull (Entire human head for that matter) inside and out so you have a scientific basis to aid you in casting away these images. If that doesnt suit you, try doing something drastic. Shave your head, see and feel the skin for yourself, bare skin to hand. If your a girl this could be problematic, but hey if it works its worth it right? Or try this, go have X-rays or CT scans of your head. Visual proof that you yourself have a skull made of the same stuff as everyone else. Look at it to remind you. In the end its truth and evidence that I would use to get through this. I am no expert, but I think about stuff a lot. Oh and I doubt you would get commited or anything, but what do I know?
Thoughts, not dreams? My honest opinion is that you're not crazy, but that those kind of thoughts are not normal. You should not scare yourself so much that you are not able to sleep, and considering that you have had these thoughts for over 10 years, I think that it'd be best if you let your counsellor know. You should trust and know that whatever your counsellor do will be whats best for you, and she might even think that it is not much of a problem. But anyhow, I think that you should tell her because it has caused your concern and if anyone can help you deal with it, it would be her.
the only time your head is made up of little tiny bones is when you are an infant. Once your head has fused, it doesn't just go away. You are seeing a therapist, I would talk to her about it. It might be as simple as a bad dream, which interpreted properly could mean any number of things. Take a pregnancy test, make sure the dreams about the head aren't hormonal and you are pregnant. Get an MRI if it makes you feel better. I have abnormal thoughts about my body too. it is, I think, pretty normal. Ask your therapist!
I used to have horrible dreams that my teeth/eyes were falling out and i would wake up and couldn't go back to sleep. I personally don't think its crazy at all. I have those dreams every once in a while and it makes my anxiety go crazy. Talking with my husband does help tho, so my advice would be to talk to your therapist. It is their job to listen and understand you, if you were hurting yourself then it might be a problem. Good luck!!!

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