Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My cat fractured the bones in his paw and...?

my kitten is not even a year old. he is a stray, we took him in.

he is very crazy and LOVES to play.

this morning he ran out of the couch (he was trying to play with my sister) and my sister ACCIDENTALLY stepped on his paw. he DIDN'T hiss. He made a loud streak and ran away.

an hour later my mom found him hiding. she picked him up and put him down, he couldn't walk he was limping.

my mom took him to the vet and he has 3 fractures in his paws out of the 4 bones he has.

they say he will be ok. but i love him to death and im very upset right now. will he heal alright and how painful will it be?

my heart is broken. and i don't want him to think we did this on purpose. i want him to know that we love him.My cat fractured the bones in his paw and...?
give him a little time the bones will heal ok in the paw very quickly

keep his food and water close to his bed because he just needs some rest

wev'e had cats that were caught in fox traps and as long as they have a safe place and plenty of food and water the only thing they will need is rest and time to heal
Pamper the cat but don't spoil him too much. Don't give him any new privileges that are not allowed by your parents. Just pet him a lot and scratch his neck and chin if he lets you and if he purrs in response, then everything IS okay.My cat fractured the bones in his paw and...?
I feel very bad for you. I broke my leg as a child and trust me it HURTS! Your mum took him to the vet and everything should be fine. Just shows you how accidents happen, even when your just playing around. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Accidents happen - they have said he will be fine so don't worry.
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