Saturday, March 3, 2012

Crazy leg problem answer please?

Im 13 years old and this just happened 2 me,it hurts! Okay i just went to sleep in fetal position and i woke up 30 minutes later. I stretched both of my legs out and my right one is all normal. My left leg on the bottom half of the legs(im no sherlock on body parts part after the knee you all know what im talking about) the inside just like felt like it snapped out of place. It happens with my toes as well, if i err wiggle my toes to much to crack all the bones it some times snaps out of place and it hurts like hell so i just snap it back. This though oh god its scary! It hurts a lot when i move it and i cant walk, i can sort of if i dont strech out my leg all the way i have to keep it bent or else it hurts! I think its the muscel getting pulled or somthing crazy like that but it just hurts and i dont want this thing to be serious. I hope you can understand this long *** explanation and do you think i can just sleep it off? yeah its like i cant stretch or move my feet up without bending my leg or else its IMPOSSIBLE! very scary oh god please helpCrazy leg problem answer please?
Hi it sounds like you are having growing pains--they are real. Some people DO get them. This can happen when parts of you grow faster than the other parts--they have trouble just staying together.

You should get a doctor's appointment, its just a checkup and tell your doctor what is happening. So you would also want to write down what happened (or print this out ok) and take it to the doctor.

Make him listen (or her listen) to you. YOU may also be sent for an xray--this shouldn't be feared--it's simply a way for them to take a picture of inside of you and see what is going on in your bones.

It could be nothing, and growing pains do have a medical name however I'm not particularly sure of the actual name however you should be aware of this.Crazy leg problem answer please?
DUDE I've had this too! I don't know wtf it is but my and my brother get it sometimes.

And you mean the "shin" on your leg. The muscle starts spazing out.

My mum said "drink orange juice" but I didn't notice the difference =/

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