Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stomach/uterus popping like when my bones crack... Whats up?

I'm 30 weeks pregnant and over the past 2 or 3 weeks I've been having these pops in my uterus that sound like my bones when they crack (like if I've been sitting for a long time and how bones pop when I stand up again). They don't hurt at all - in fact, there's no feeling that goes along with them at all. Just a sound.

And there's no rhyme or reason... they don't happen every hour on the hour or if I've been doing something strenuous. They don't even happen every day. I had one driving to work this morning (around 7:45am) and another about 20 minutes ago (it's almost 1pm), but before that I hadn't had one since Saturday.

Just wondering if anyone else has had these before. I have a doctors appt. on Thursday, so if anything I can ask there... I just don't want them to think I'm crazy.Stomach/uterus popping like when my bones crack... Whats up?
I have the same thing happen to me. It sounds like when ur bones crack but muffled by water. To me its the baby that's making the noise. It seems like it happens when he starts moving and his bones are whats cracking. I ask the DOC and nurse and they said they had never heard of it b4. But i had asked on here and googled some info on it. I had a few answers that other women had experienced the same thing, and they said their babies were extremely healthy when they were born. So if anything maybe google some info on it.
no... im 28 weeks and its happened to me.... i just blamed it on my bones for fear that i hurt my baby or something.... im glad im not crazy... i hope someone can answer your question! then well both know whats up!!! if not... then maybe you can email me after going to the doctor!Stomach/uterus popping like when my bones crack... Whats up?
I'm so glad I came across this question. I had the same thing happen to me last night, and I was worried I was the only one! I'm only 19w4d, but last night my little one was kicking, and after one kick I heard a pop. It was just like you described, it sounded like when my joints pop only it was in my stomach/uterus. I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you other than I think it's normal since it happened to me too. =)

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